

Baptism might rightly also be called the sacrament of new birth in Christ (cfr John 3,3-5) which incorporates us into the very life of the Trinity (cfr Matthew 28,19). At baptism, one’s sins are completely forgiven; the water that is used symbolises the cleansing of the soul of Original Sin, inherited by all people at the moment of conception.

It imparts sanctifying grace on the one who is baptised, which means that the Holy Spirit dwells in the soul, sanctifying it and preparing it for eternal life with God. Incorporating us thus “in Christ”, baptism makes us members of the Church. This stands to reason, since the Church is Christ’s mystical body. It is sometimes known as the “gateway sacrament”, since it is only through baptism that we can receive sanctifying grace and receive the other sacraments.

In short, baptism is a sacrament of salvation (cfr 1 Peter 3,21).
To arrange a baptism, please pick up a blue form from the back of church and speak to a priest after Mass.

A Baptism information leaflet is available at the back of the Cathedral – or contact the Cathedral office.  We run monthly* Baptism preparation sessions, which you will be asked to book onto.

*No sessions in January & August.


The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the “prodigal son” and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest.

Confession currently takes place an hour before Mass each day.

Outside these times, you are always welcome to approach a priest to hear your confession.


First Holy Communion

First Communion is considered one of the holiest and most important occasions in a Roman Catholic’s life.

It means that person has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Most Catholic children receive their First Communion when they’re seven or eight years of age because this is considered the age of reason.
First Communion is a very important and holy day for Catholic children because they are receiving, for the first time, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. By continuing to receive Holy Communion for the rest of their lives, Catholics become one with Christ and believe they will share in His eternal life.

Preparation usually begins in January.

Please contact the Cathedral office for more details.



Confirmation is the completion of the process of initiation into the family of Christ and is preceded by Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.

Confirmation is usually celebrated in school Year 8, with preparation beginning in January.

Please contact the Cathedral office for more details.




Christian marriage is the union before God of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others for life and for the upbringing of children, and it is this vision for your life together that we will explore during your preparation.

If you would like to get married in our Cathedral, the first step is to contact the Cathedral office and request a marriage information leaflet.

If you are thinking about getting married in the parish, we ask for at least twelve months notice so that all the necessary preparations can be made and to give you as a couple space to receive all of the support which we can offer you, as you begin your life together.

Sacrament Of The Sick

The sacrament of Anointing Of The Sick, is offered to those who are ill, going through surgery or facing imminent death.

We pray that the sick person is healed in mind, body and spirit.

The sacrament offers forgiveness and healing.  Oil is anointed to help strengthen the sick person and is a visible sign of God’s presence.

The principal grace is a strengthening of the virtue of hope to help the sick person not to despair and to strengthen them against any fear of death.  It also helps them to endure whatever suffering is caused by their illness or injuries and unites them to the suffering Christ who draws close to them and provides spiritual comfort.  For those who are not able to make an oral confession of their sins it also provides forgiveness of sins.  This is a great gift because it allows the ordinary grace of sacramental forgiveness to be given even in this extreme circumstance.

Becoming A Catholic

RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the name given to the sacramental process by which people who are searching and exploring their faith in Jesus Christ, enter into full Communion with the Catholic Church. It is a journey in faith supported and encouraged by the whole Christian Community.

Our parish offers the opportunity of joining an RCIA group. If you are searching for God, want to know more about the Catholic faith, or are seeking full Communion with the Catholic Church, please make contact with your Parish priest who will make you very welcome.

Contact the Cathedral office, who will put you in touch with Deacon Ron Ball, the RCIA coordinator for the Cathedral parish.

The group usually begins to meet late Autumn.

Full details will be confirmed once contact has been established.